Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Watch Full Documentaries Blog

For our first assignment, we were told to write about a documentary called "OutFoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism". To stick with my apparent "theme", I decided to find a blog relevant to this topic. Alas; the WATCH FULL DOCUMENTARIES BLOG! (Horrible name, but I'll give it a chance..)Although most of the posts were done in 2007, this blog has a lot of good, unique documentaries all in one easy location. Some of the videos have been removed, but for the most part each documentary is still available. One of the documentaries it features is Outfoxed: a film that critiques the Fox News Network and the policies of it's CEO, Rupert Murdoch. OutFoxed brings to light the harsh reality of the bias and contradictory nature of the channel's newscasts.

To me, the worst issue addressed in this documentary was the blatant misinformation Fox distributes. With slogans such as "Fair and Balanced" or "We Report, You Decide", viewers are left to believe that what they are watching is not only true, but a fair depiction of a news story. It is scary to me to think that this is actually almost the opposite of what is the case. Ex-employees interviewed in the documentary even admitted that Fox had lost almost all journalistic elements and had been reduced to sheer commentary.

After watching this film, viewers should be more aware of the bias that exists within mainstream media. Perhaps films like these will reveal to the public the possibilities that lie within journalism through blogging. Surely if companies with money to spend can't make their news 'fair and balanced', this is our last hope.


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